Prometi a mim mesma que ia aproveitar a segunda semana de lua-de-mel, já em terras lusas, para dar vida a este cantinho de sensações. Inclusive, peguei no meu caderninho de notas e elaborei uma lista ainda grande de assuntos que queria partilhar. Apesar das minhas boas intenções, como devem ter reparado, o blogue esteve assim para o sossegadito. A minha lista ficou esquecida e foi substituída por momentos de namoro, passeios combinados à última da hora, piqueniques inesperados e experiências na cozinha. Estas Panquecas de Bacalhau com queijo Crozier Blue (comprado durante a lua-de-mel) são um exemplo dos sabores, cheiros e texturas que invadiram a minha cozinha na última semana.
I promised myself that I would use the second half of my honeymoon, already in Portugal, to once again rekindle this little corner of the Internet. As a matter of fact, I picked up my notebook and made a list – quite a big one – of all the things I'd like to share here. Despite my intentions, you surely noted that the blog remained fairly lifeless. My list was thrown aside, forgotten, replaced by moments of tenderness, spur of the moment trips, unexpected picnics and kitchen experiments. These Cod and Irish Crozier Blue Pancakes (cheese bought during the honeymoon) are an example of the flavours, aromas and textures that invaded my kitchen this past week.
2 ovos
100gr de bacalhau desfiado
2 pimentos doces pequenos
4 colheres rasas de sopa de farinha sem fermento
1 pitada de sal
20gr de queijo Crozier Blue (Podem substituir por Stilton caso não encontrem esta variedade)
Num prato fundo, ou taça, batemos os ovos durante dois minutos. Juntamos o bacalhau, os pimentos cortados aos pedacinhos e a pitada de sal. Mexemos bem para que os ingredientes se incorporem no ovo. Esfarelamos o queijo por cima desta mistura. Voltamos a mexer muito bem. Peneiramos a farinha e envolvemos na mistura com muito cuidado para não formar grumos. Aquecemos uma frigideira anti-aderente untado com um pouco de azeite. Assim que a frigideira estiver quente vertemos nela uma colher de sopa de massa. Deixamos cozinhar até que a massa comece a ficar dourada e firme. Com cuidado vamos descolando os lados da panqueca com uma espátula até descolar perfeitamente. Viramos de lado quando isso acontece. Deixamos cozer do outro lado. Repetimos o processo com a restante massa. Estas panquecas são óptimas para piqueniques primaveris ou refeições mais ligeiras.
2 eggs 100g of shredded salt cod
2 small bell peppers
4 tablespoons of plain flour
A pinch of salt
20g of Irish Crozier Blue (if you can't find this particular type of cheese you may use Stilton instead)
Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk them vigorously for about 2 minutes. Add the codfish, the diced peppers and a pinch of salt. Mix everything well. Crumble the cheese onto the mixture. Mix everything again. Sift the flour and add to the bowl while mixing very carefully so that the batter doesn't turn lumpy. Heat up a non-stick frying pan lightly greased with olive oil. As soon as the pan gets hot pour in a tablespoon of batter. Let it cook until the batter turns golden brown and firm. Carefully, with the help of a spatula, try to unstick the edge of the pancake from the pan until it's completely free. Flip the pancake and let it brown on the other side. Repeat the process for the remainder of the batter. These pancakes are great for both spring picnics and light meals.
2 eggs 100g of shredded salt cod
2 small bell peppers
4 tablespoons of plain flour
A pinch of salt
20g of Irish Crozier Blue (if you can't find this particular type of cheese you may use Stilton instead)
Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk them vigorously for about 2 minutes. Add the codfish, the diced peppers and a pinch of salt. Mix everything well. Crumble the cheese onto the mixture. Mix everything again. Sift the flour and add to the bowl while mixing very carefully so that the batter doesn't turn lumpy. Heat up a non-stick frying pan lightly greased with olive oil. As soon as the pan gets hot pour in a tablespoon of batter. Let it cook until the batter turns golden brown and firm. Carefully, with the help of a spatula, try to unstick the edge of the pancake from the pan until it's completely free. Flip the pancake and let it brown on the other side. Repeat the process for the remainder of the batter. These pancakes are great for both spring picnics and light meals.
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